Today, the 2nd of march 2022, I held a meeting with officials from the Tshiamiso Trust and later on held a joint press conference regarding the Trust’s mission in Malawi. The Tshiamiso Trust was established to give effect to the settlement agreement reached between 6 mining companies and attorneys of claimants in the historic silicon and TB class action.

Ex-miners who worked in the 6 gold mines namely: Africa Rainbow Minerals, Anglo American South Africa, AngloGold Ashanti, Harmony Gold, Sibanye Stillwater, and Gold fields between 1965 and 2019 and contracted either silicosis or TB during the time they worked in the mines or at least 12 months after they left the mines would be eligible. It must also be pointed out that only those claimant who have a permanent respiratory damage will be eligible to receive the claims.

The Trust, in collaboration with the Ministry of Labour, Ministry of Health and Ministry of Mining will endeavor to identify the claimants and then get them through the process of screening using specialized equipment in our four referral hospitals (QECH in Blanytre, Zomba General in Zomba, KCH in Lilongwe and Mzuzu Central in Mzuzu). Working closely with the Association of Ex-miners in Malawi, the team will also be available in all the 28 districts across the country using mobile health vans to identify and authenticate the identities of the claimants as well as do initial medical examinations to establish the existence of the diseases.The Ministry of labour will work with the Trust to ensure that every eligible claimant gets the compensation due to them.

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